Events, workshops, conferences
A great Tel-MONAER project workshop was held at BEIA Consult on 17 December 2018.
- Beia Consult International atttended at the 11th Edition of the International Conference “Air and Water Components of the Environments” on 22-24 march 2019 in Cluj-Napoca.
- BEIA Consult participated in “Ziua Comunicatiilor” and IoT Day on 3 April. The event is hosted by Crowne Plaza in Bucharest, Romania.
BEIA Consult attended the Health and Safety at Work Conference on 9 April 2019 in Bucharest, Romania.
- BEIA Consult participated in “Sustainable Development at the Black Sea” (SUST-BLACK) Conference on 8-9 May 2019 in Bucharest, Romania.
- BEIA Consult participated in Smart City Debate 2017-2020 on 16 May 2019 in Bucharest, Romania(Hotel Pullman).
- BEIA Consult participated in GIoTS on 17-21 June 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark. The 2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS) seeks contributions on how to nurture and cultivate IoT technologies and applications for the benefit of society.
- BEIA is participated with 4 presentations and 2 posters in ECAI Conference 2019 on 27-29 June 2019 in Pitesti, Romania. The main subjects of the events were Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence.
- BEIA participated in GoTech World 2019 at Romexpo, Bucharest between 2-3 October 2019. Formerly known as IMWorld, the largest B2B conference & expo in Central and Eastern Europe, will host over 2.500 digital business solutions and will bring experts from Tesla, Oracle, Fujitsu, Airbus and Microsoft to present on the event stages.
See our video from GoTech World 2019 on YouTube here.
BEIA Consult International participated in Smart Cities of Romania 2019 Conference on 23 October in Bucharest, Romania. This event is the most important and large expo-conference in Romania, dedicated to solutions for smart cities.
BEIA Consult International participated in Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) on 19-21 November 2019 in Barcelona, Spain.
Papers and publications:
- The article „A study of Humidity Influence on Data Accuracy for IoT Measurements of PMs Concentration” will be published in Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ)
Authors: Mihaela Bălănescu, George Suciu, Marius-Alexandru Dobrea, Cristina Bălăceanu, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu, Ciprian Dobre, Andrei-Cristian Birdici, Andreea Badicu, Iulia Oprea, Adrian Pasat
- 12th International Conference on Air Quality – will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, March 9-13, 2020. BEIA Consult will participate in this conference with the article “Variation of PM10 concentration in the residual area near the main traffic arteries” .
Authors: Cristina Mihaela Balaceanu, Mihaela Balanescu, George Suciu, Marius Alexandru Dobrea, Ciprian Dobre
- Green Development Infrastructure Technology (GREDIT) 2020 – will be held in Skopje, Northern Macedonia, from April 23-25, 2020. BEIA Consult has sent for evaluation the article “Optimization of an air quality monitoring system through an efficient data processing algorithm” .
Authors: Mihaela Balanescu, George Suciu, Marius Alexandru Dobrea, Adrian Pasat, Andrei Birdici, Cristina Mihaela Balaceanu, Ciprian Dobre
- 18th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), 2020 – will be held in Austin, Texas, USA on March 23-27, 2020, and BEIA with UPB will participate with a scientific paper entitled “Smart Vehicular” Routing Based on Crowdsensed Data Using Dynamic Traffic Light Control ”.
Authors: Andreea Sonea, Ciprian Dobre, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu, George Suciu
- Air and Water Conference – Components of the environment – CAA 2020, BEIA will participate in this year’s edition of the conference with the article “Assessment of Particulate Matter Concentration in Underground Transport Work Environment”.
Authors: George Suciu, Mihaela Bălănescu, Andrei Bîrdici, Oana Orza, Adrian Pasat, Marius Alexandru Dobrea, Cristina Mihaela Bălăceanu
- 1st International Symposium on Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture, November 14-15, 2019 at the Agricultural University of Plodviv, Bulgaria. BEIA participated with the poster “Assessment of climate change effects on the viticulture using ADCON Telemetry Station”.
Authors: Cristina Bălăceanu, George Suciu, Mihaela Bălănescu, Andreea Iosif, Marius Dobrea, Oana Orza, Ioana Marcu
- The 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2020-Spring – May 25-28, 2020 in Anterwerp, Belgium. The article “PMs concentration forecasting using ARIMA algorithm” was accepted in the conference.
Authors: Andreea Badicu, George Suciu, Mihaela Balanescu, Marius Dobrea, Andrei Birdici, Oana Orza, Adrian Pasat
Authors: Mihaela Balanescu, Iulia Oprea, George Suciu, Marius-Alexandru Dobrea, Cristina Mihaela Balaceanu, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu, Ciprian Dobre
- IoT System for Air Pollutants Assessment in Underground Infrastructures
Authors: George Suciu, Mihaela Balanescu, Carmen Nadrag, Andrei Birdici, Cristina Mihaela Balaceanu, Marius Alexandru Dobrea, Adrian Pasat, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu
- The assessment of the PMs concentration in the Bucharest ambient air – a case study
Authors: George Suciu, Mihaela Balanescu, Cristina Balaceanu, Adrian Pasat, Carmen Nadrag, Andrei Birdici, Marius Dobrea and Radu Ioan Ciobanu